Might Is Right: Tried Knock Out's MMA And Fitness Classes Yet?

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Knock Out martial arts and fitness is a specialised space for practicing and learning MMA {mixed martial arts}. We were particularly intrigued by their karate course which is run by certified black belt karate instructors.

Love Yourself Some MMA?

Knock Out is a one stop academy for most forms of MMA. They have course for kids, adults, women and the elderly. You can enrol for different combinations like taekwondo, karate, jiu-jitsu, muay thai, kickboxing, boxing, judo and kung-fu.

So if you’re feeling adventurous enough and want to try out something new you this is the place to check out.

Wear A Black Belt

Their karate classes are worth checking out. They empahsise the art of self-defense and use the classes to make people physically and mentally strong. For kids, it’s imperative to enrol them or these classes at a young age so they develop the skills as early as they can. They also hold karate classes for women and adults.

They teach and practice kata and Japanese karate, two very different but intertwined schools of thought. For more info check them out here.

Anything Else?

Presently they have classes in west and south Delhi and teach MMA thrice a week for INR 2,500 a month.

So We’re Saying…

Since they offer different forms of MMA this place is great if you want to learn some self-defense and ace it like a boss!


An animal person who gorges on food, she loves the little attention the universe gives her. 60's flower child, nothing in life works for her without music. When you don't find her chilling with her streeties, her pug or her cat, she's probably wandering about the city or sitting with a book and/or a movie at home, trying her best to be evasive.