Charcoal Bubble Face Mask, Hydrating Sheet Masks & More On Korikart

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Plant Cell Charcoal O2 Bubble Mask

Plant Cell Charcoal O2 Bubble Mask

Plant Cell Relaxing Body Scrub by Plan 36.5

Plant Cell Relaxing Body Scrub by Plan 36.5

If you want skincare products that don't feel like a task and are actually fun, you should shop from KoriKart. They stock a bunch of Korean skincare and beauty products, and it's popularly known that K products are very innovative.
I got to try my hands on their Charcoal O2 Bubble Face Mask, and it was quite fun to use. It is to achieve a bright glowing skin in a short time. So you can actually skip those fancy skincare steps and just apply this. The Bubble mask is made with natural extracts and each ingredient possesses essential nutrients that nourish and rejuvenate the skin. They also claim that the product is an excellent clay mask for blackheads. It retails at INR 1,049.
I tried their Plant Cell Relaxing Body Scrub that I absolutely loved! The grains in the scrub weren't harsh on the skin, and weren't too soft to not make a difference as well. It retails at INR 500.
Apart from that, I also tried their sheet masks, and they were very moisturizing. They have it in a bunch of options like aloe vera, tomato, pearls, cucumber, etc. All of them are really hydrating. They retail at around INR 100 each.
The only apprehension towards these sheet masks arises when you think of how they'll be treated as garbage, as most of them are not good for the environment.

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