Be The Best Gifter With These Personalized Hand-Made Gifts

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What Makes It Awesome

Handcrafted gifts have a special place in everyone's heart. Meaningful gifts are all right, but thoughtful gifts are the ones that leave a mark. And gifts brought from a store are okay when it comes to acquaintances, but when it comes to close friends and fam, what better a gesture than something handmade? Kraftgallore, founded by Shivani Chauhan, creates magic with handmade gifts, chocolates, home decor and everything quirky.

Whether you are looking for a housewarming gift for your friend or maybe a wedding gift, you can check out Kraftgallore's personalised wooden nameplates, pastel wall hangings and fridge magnets. There are also utility and functional gift options like key holders and coffee mug holders. If your BFF is a stationery hoarder, get her a dose of lovely quirky stationery and she will be delighted for sure! And more over, if you are looking for some inspirational frames for yourself, Shivani does them too. Hang them on the wall and you'll find all the inspo you need.

Kraftgallore's pocket-friendly range starts from INR 199 and it goes up depending on the item and customisation. She ships pan-India!


Go, check your calendar for the next occasion and click on the 'Enquire Now' button! And just in case you're interested, Shivani also provides free tutorials and workshops.


Obsessed with sunsets, cheesecakes, pandas and Sherlock. Believer of the power in pen, words and hugs. 🌼