Show Your App To Get #LBBAccess At Burma Burma This Weekend

The information in this post might be outdated
What Is It?

Starting this Friday, we're going to bring you our pick of the place in town to check out with LBBAccess. Every weekend, app users get to avail special deals at the recommendation of the week, giving you an added incentive to go out and explore your city.

What's On This Week?

Our pick of the week is Burma Burma. Having fast established itself as one of the best places in the city for authentic Burmese cuisine, we never miss a chance to talk about this one.

What Do I Get?

With LBBAccess, you get a 10% off on your total bill plus a complimentary pot of tea, available only for this Friday, Saturday and Sunday {Oct 21 - 23}.

Cool, Where Do I Signup?

It's pretty simple really.

Hit the 'Save' button to save this to your LBB. Show up at Burma Burma. Show the saved post to the folks at Burma Burma on your LBB app. Enjoy your deal!

Don't have the app yet?

[button color="blue" alignment="center" rel="follow" openin="newwindow" url=""]Download it here[/button]

Terms & Conditions: 

This is valid only for LBB app users. Download it here. The deal can be redeemed only once per user. The deal can be claimed only once per table. 3 app users on one table does not mean a 10%x3 discount. :) LBB is not responsible for the experience, service, food at Burma Burma. Any complaints on service, food etc. should be reported to the management of Burma Burma itself. The deal is valid for Friday, Saturday, Sunday i.e. 21st, 22nd, 23rd of October only.

The LBB crew consists of ladies and gentlemen with an array of interests, who are all committed to finding something unique and exciting about the city they call home.