Leaving Town And Don't Know Where To Leave Your Pet? These Guys Can Help!

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There is an awesome update for all you pet parents out there. Especially the ones who travel a lot or are always craving a vacation but can’t because you know, you’re a pet parent and they can’t be left alone. Well, there’s a beautiful resolve to this and no, it’s not an animal shelter.

Your Very Own Pupper Keepers

Whatspup, the online caretakers of all your pet needs has started a very efficient service of giving your pets home for the duration you’re away. Be it three hours, three days or three weeks, they have a home ready for your pets through their ‘guest a pet’ section, on their website.

No More Ruff Times!

So it’s really simple. All you have to do is log on to their website and hit the ‘guest a pet’ button. If you’re looking for someone to foster your pet in the comfort of their home, while you’re away, just click on the ‘register as a pet parent button’. If you LOVE animals and want to foster some at your place, you can click on ‘register as a house sitter’ button. The best part- you get paid to house sit others pets!

Check out their website here.

So We’re Saying…

Definitely become a member on their website for such excellent service. They’re slowly forming a network of house sitters for your puppers in the city, so maybe you can help them. Imagine a house full of adorable ‘lil pets…bliss!


An animal person who gorges on food, she loves the little attention the universe gives her. 60's flower child, nothing in life works for her without music. When you don't find her chilling with her streeties, her pug or her cat, she's probably wandering about the city or sitting with a book and/or a movie at home, trying her best to be evasive.