Stressed Out? Sign Up For Any Of These 8 Meditation Classes In Delhi

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Breathe in. Breathe out. Relax. Repeat. Follow the magic mantra to unwind and relieve your stress with the help of these meditation centres in Delhi, who teach you this and a lot more.

Transcendental Meditation

Founded by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi and with centres in more than 100 countries and several of them in India, the main aim is to go beyond all thought and reach a state of pure consciousness. It helps transport you to a state that is reportedly twice as deep as the deepest sleep. Anyone can be a part of this learning, with the course content being standard around the world.

Find out more here.


Isha Yoga

Founded by Jaggi Vasudev, popularly known as Sadhguru, you can get to know the ancient history of Yoga and its implementation with their meditation classes. Its aim is to help you transform from within and deepen your perception when you look at life, calling it Inner Engineering.

Find out more and book an appointment here.

Studio Prana

Spread over 2000 square feet with two yoga and meditation halls, Studio Prana practices asanas, pranayama and meditation techniques to help ease the mind and body.

Find out more here.


The Art of Living

Founded by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, the institution believes in the ideology of Smile, serve and meditate. There are a number of programs that cater to every level of learning, and focus on personality development and physical wellness with the help of yoga and meditation.

For more details, click here 

Sahaja Yoga

Founded by Shri Mataji, the meditation classes focus on the awakening of the Kundalini Shakti or self-realisation โ€“ to experience calmness and joy in oneโ€™s life.

Find out more here.

Tushita Mahayana Meditation Centre

Following the Tibetan Buddhist style of meditation, this organisation was founded to mainly spread love, kindness and compassion in the world. With a number of programs that are suited for both beginners and experts alike, you can just drop by and start your meditation process.

Find out more here.

Osho Rajyoga Dhyan Kendra

Following certain rules to help them focus, such as โ€“ the right attire, meditation location, the right time to meditate, the correct posture and a place of calmness, they follow a set of programs that start with meditation and end with a video of spiritual guidance by Osho.

Find out more here.


Vishvas Meditation Center

Taking a very holistic approach towards meditation, this institution not only helps you meditate the right way, but also focuses on all-round well being of their patrons. So, it begins with you figuring out if meditation can really help you and then, following the scientific approach to show you ways it can change your life.

Find out more here.


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