Men, Get Your Tailor-Made Suit For That Upcoming Wedding Here In CP

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What Makes It Awesome

There's nothing like wearing a well-fitted suit to your BFF's bachelor's, and men, this Janpath shop is where you should stop by if you need one.

Luthra's, a small shop in Janpath, specialises in making you look your best. They do 'customised tailoring' as their name board outside suggests.

We stepped inside to ask them about their services and quickly got a 'we do it all' sort of a reply. For a little more detail, these guys do made-to-fit suits, coats, shirts, and trousers. They'll make the garment of your choice with the fabric you provide them, but they do stock their own as well — a one-stop shop it is.

They told us they primarily do men's tailoring (the fabrics and apparel on display suggested the same) but can also accommodate women's requests.

Their fabric range starts at INR 1,000 and stitching starts at INR 4,800.

What Could Be Better

The fabrics in the shop didn't look as appealing to us but it could just be a personal choice. We still suggest sourcing fabric for your clothes from a place you trust and like.

How Much Did It Cost


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