MG Road To Get A Makeover With Free WiFi, LED Streetlights & Walkways

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After the success of the Golf Course road makeover, the Municipal Corporation of Gurugram (MCG) has set its sights on MG Road as part of an overall plan to improve the city’s infrastructure.

No More Red Lights

Civic authorities are planning to restructure MG Road because locals feel that development of the city has stagnated. The expected improvements include the installation of LED streetlights, setting up kiosks, improving the quality of walkways, free WiFi across the stretch of the particular road, and a thicker green cover.

The MCG is set to hold a meeting sometime in July, following which a proposal will be sent out to the Haryana Government. Since the Golf Course road has been made signal free for convenience, the same change is proposed for the MG Road, which may favour an approval. A number of multinational companies will be involved in the project.

So We're Saying...

Hopefully, they will do something about Gurgaon’s notorious waterlogging issue as well but, in the meantime, this is a definite step in the right direction.


Chronic oversized t-shirt wearer and unapologetic pundamentalist, Vatsala Peshawaria often cannot resist food long enough to take a picture.