Moha India for Stoneware, Banana Fibre & Herbal Products

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Curating and creating art, furniture, wall art, home accents, pottery and eco-friendly products, Moha India is where we head to for rural arts and crafts.

Rustic, rural and ravishing

Moha India is an art gallery cum store where you can find artwork, furniture, different kinds of crafts, pottery and eco-friendly products. all from rural India. Promoting rural artisans and their workmanship, Moha has a wonderful collection of Indian art and cultural heritage that you can decorate your homes with.

From brass sculptures to marble statuettes, Dokra figures to gold leaf work, the place leaves very little wanting.

Scent of a home

Our favourite bit is the herbal and Ayurvedic products. From aromatherapy essences and candles, to herbal shampoos and toiletries, Moha has you covered {top to bottom, with healthy, organic products, if we may}. Meticulously handcrafted by artisans, we suggest you pick up some cool incense sticks and face washes for all your gifting purposes.

Organic ornaments

Also doing some excellent ceramic dinnerware and pottery, Moha makes sure your home looks like a page out of a magazine. With leaves imprinted on rustic ceramic plates, and stone crockery to lend gravity to your table, we can assure you that you’ll find the exact identity you want to give to your dining or drawing spaces.

The eco-friendly jute and banana-fibre products are excellent for some healthy living and loving. We aren’t super sure whether the furniture is equally durable, but they sure look gorgeous enough to station in a cosy nook.


A full time enthusiast of the 'gram', Kasturi paints and writes on her eponymous blog. She's looking to establish herself in a stable job despite her impending and current existential quarter life crisis. Not having stayed in one place for too long, she muses about the Arts and has an astronomical appetite for, well, food.