MyGreens, For a Juicy Dose of Health

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There’s a new juice brand in town- MyGreens. Available in three different ranges, the cold-pressed juices aim to address certain medical issues, and generally promote a healthy lifestyle.

Juicy fruit-oure

Natural, raw, juice in its purest form {no sugar, no preservatives}, chock-full of nutrients packed in neat little PET bottles delivered to your doorstep; that’s what it’s all about. Put together by nutritionists Ishi Khosla and Parul Malhotra, and taste expert Rinku Madan, the juices are categorised into three lines:

Relish- this is the yummier stuff. Think a combination of carrots, apples, beetroot, and watermelon infused with chia seeds.

Goals- If you have certain dreams for yourself {better skin? More energy? Just protein?}, this line aims to help you achieve them. We’re digging the Metabolize {tamarind, cumin, honey, kale, spinach} for its jal zeera-ish taste. This line has some milks too.

Vitals- For people with medical problems such as digestion or high BP. Choose from the Omega Party {amla, apple, broccoli}, the 120/180 {lemon, capsicum, pomegranate etc} and the Existential Greens {apple, celery, cucumber, kale etc.}

Choose a programme

The experts have already made a juicy diet for you based on your targets {Trim, Glo, Build, Detox}. You can also opt for a three-day cleanse just to flush all those toxins out. If you really want to take things to the next level, ask them to make a custom calendar for you – a daily schedule of juices you should have. They do this completely free of charge.

They also offer tips on their website regarding workouts, what to do and what not to do while you’re on your juice journey.

Where: Order online here. {they deliver throughout Delhi NCR, barring Faridabad}

Price: Starting at INR 140 for a 325 ml bottle {there are offers if you order for the whole month}

Find out more here.  Find them on Facebook here.


Editor @ LBB/ Poker Face/ Cakehead/ Momo Sapien/ Lip balm hoarder/ Pro online shopper/ Puppy Person/ Explorer of all things food & drinks 🍸