Follow The Mail Trail At The National Philatelic Museum

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The National Philatelic Museum is a unique facility that stores and showcases an entire collection of Indian stamps from over the years.

Blast From The Past

Travel back in time with the National Philatelic Museum, where the collection {which dates all the way back to 1947} showcases stamps depicting cultural and heritage sights, institutions, freedom fighters, science and technology, and eminent figures. It can be viewed as a visual history of India, and in that way it is as much a historical museum as it is a philatelic one.

They also have the first Indian stamp by the Sindh Dak from 1854, making this the ultimate destination for stamp collectors.

A Collector’s Paradise

Started and maintained by the Department of Posts with the aim to encourage philately and promote our cultural heritage, the museum houses not only thematic Indian stamps, but a rare selection of foreign ones as well. The building also has a reference library and an amphitheatre for events and gatherings.

The extensive library requires a membership, and small fee.

Must-See Museum

Whether you’re a novice enthusiast, an avid collector, or are just curious {trust us, it’s worth it}, the National Philatelic Museum is an underrated and very worthwhile stop on your museum tour of the city.


Aditya is an avid devourer of football, food and convoluted stories. He also enjoys nondescript clothes and loud voices.