Love OLIO? Drop In & Shop At Their Spanking New Store

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Contemporary clothing label OLIO just opened its first store in Delhi and we’re super stoked.

The Storeys They Tell

While we’ve got our fill of clothing from H&M, Zara, and Forever 21, an indie addition to our western wear shelf is always a delightful change, and something we strive to do more of. And now with the opening of OLIO’s new store {called The OLIO Storeys}, we’re hoping to get more of that done.

You can check out all their capsule collections in this new store. Want something festive and Indian? Check out their latest collection Sitara. Love khaki? Check out Bean. Then there’s Grid for the geometry fan.

And if you’re off someplace warmer for a vacation, you’re sure to find something awesome from either Sunny Side Up or dot: dot.


An urban yogini with a serious fetish for yoga, wholesome living, and homegrown indie brands.