Pancakes So Simple, Even I Can Make Them!

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Slurrp Farm

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What Makes It Awesome?

I've recommended Slurrp Farm before for their incredibly good pancakes and dosa mixes. While I've *eaten* them, I recently tried my hand at actually making them myself. Disclaimer: if I can make something in the kitchen, believe me- ANYONE can!

The recipe is super simple- add a little bit of the pancake mix + 1 egg + a dash of milk in a bowl, whip it together till it's a milkmaid like consistency, pour it gently on a pan, and you're done That simple!

I love my ragi Chocolate pancake with peanut butter, if you're feeling SUPER indulgent, add a scoop of vanilla ice cream.


How Much Did It Cost?

Under ₹500

works at Little Black Book/LBB. Coffee, wine, running, my doggos Oliver and Bella, non-fiction, udon noodles, salmon, stationery and Dave Chappelle ar