Watch Peacocks From The Window & Enjoying Franco-Tamil Food At This Charming Cafe

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We discovered a quaint cafe in Adchini that does incredible French and Tamil food. Chateau de Pondicherry is winning us over for their fresh cocktails, stellar food and gorgeous decor.

What Makes It Awesome

We entered and were pleasantly surprised by how big the space was. With its charming tiled floors, dangling lamps and wrought-iron windows that offer a view of Sanjay Van, we were instantly transported to the quiet town of Auroville. You can see peacocks from the forest in the early morning hours while enjoying a plate of fresh Apple and Cinnamon Crepes.

The family-run restaurant is all hands-on-deck when it comes to cooking and service. We started our meal with mini Visri dosas, served with two delicious chutneys, katirakalay chutney and millagayi thuvayal. Next up was their Mimosa Muthaiy, that is, devilled eggs with the most delicious  stuffing served with prawns on top. This one truly stole the show. For main course, we tried steaming hot rice with athu kary dalcha (mutton cooked in dal) and their killer chicken chettinad curry with Malabar paranthas. We couldn’t decide which of the two we enjoyed more; The flavours used were incredible and left us wishing we weren’t so stuffed.

Also, a generous slice of their fresh lemon cake proved to be the perfect end to a great meal. 

What Could Be Better

Considering that Chateau de Pondicherry is located in such a beautiful location and also has sufficient space, we wish they had outdoor seating as well. 

Pro Tip

If you’re stopping by in the evening, we recommend you grab a seat at the bar which is small but cosy. If you’re here for lunch or breakfast, grab a table by the window to enjoy the view.

Dog crazy, wine enthusiast with a love for photography| Writer at LBB.