Spread The Joy Of Reading With Little Free Library

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The foundation of all we have is knowledge. That knowledge, for the most part, comes from books, which is why it’s so important to keep reading. As they say, it’s never too late to learn. The Little Free Library shares that very sentiment.

Originally started in the United States, this concept was introduced to Delhi by Shwetha, who was eager to spread her passion for reading. She wanted to keep the message and it’s medium simple – to encourage reading of books, of all sorts, of all shapes and sizes. She discovered Little Free Library, wrote to them and voila – the Delhi leg of the endeavour was born.

The way they conduct themselves is straightforward – a box will be set up in a location that has eyes on it and the concept is that if you take a book from it, you also leave a book. That way there’s always plenty to go around. As writers, this attempt to cultivate a habit of reading is near and dear to our hearts {mostly since we’re always encouraging everyone to do it as well!} and we can’t wait to go, take a look, and contribute.

So far, they’re only in Sarita Vihar, but we’re looking forward to them spreading throughout the city. Watch this space for details and if you drop by to take and leave a book, maybe you could leave a small message in your book? The modern day variation of a message in a bottle? You never know who it’ll reach.

Where: L- shaped park, J block, Sarita Vihar

Find out more about them here.


Meet Namrata Juneja: aspiring writer, vocalist and all round kook. You can usually find her raving about some new music, or perhaps talking to herself.