Startup Dugout by Dell Technologies: Ep 5 - EaseMyTrip

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Startup Dugout By Dell Technologies: Ep 5 - EaseMyTrip

What Makes It Awesome

Startup Dugout by Dell Technologies is a podcast series where we talk to entrepreneurs from India’s biggest tech startups to go back to “That Time When…” they overcame challenges in their entrepreneurial journey and came out stronger than ever!

In this episode, Sairee Chahal, Founder of SHEREOS and Mahila Money and our guest Prashant Pitti, the co-founder of EaseMyTrip, talk about EaseMyTrip going from a travel agency, to a B2B company for travel agents, to a B2C company; and how technology helped through these transitions. We also discover how EaseMyTrip placed importance on customer empathy, and a lot more about their talent strategy.


The LBB crew consists of ladies and gentlemen with an array of interests, who are all committed to finding something unique and exciting about the city they call home.