Head On Over To Suraj Da’s For Great Tea, Good Company, And Carrom

The information in this post might be outdated


Chai and carrom, come together like never before At Suraj Da’s in CR Park. For residents, it’s a daily meeting point and for passers-by, it’s a pit stop for a comforting cup of tea.

To Chai, Or Not To Chai?

Ask any Bengali and you’d be hard pressed for an answer, on what chai means to them, or obversely, you’ll be bombarded with feelings. Chai creates a space around it and Suraj Da’s is no exception: People gather from all walks of life to share a cuppa here, every evening.

What makes this place unique, is the discipline with which senior residents from around come together to play tournaments {yes, tournaments!} here. They have a carrom board that is locked, and secured once they leave. The brilliant tea combined with the enthusiastic oohs and aahs, coming from the carrom board leave you often times at the edge of your seat {if you become a regular, they’d let you join in}.

If Chai Isn't Your Cup Of Tea...

Suraj Da also makes brilliant cold coffee, and you could ask for less milk, less sugar, and more coffee, if you so please. But be warned, it’ll wake you up. This place remains open till 11pm, and sometimes the carrom goes on till longer.

Anything Else?

There are cigarettes available, and a TV that is perpetually on, so you could follow your cricket or football over a cup of tea. Suraj Da also curates the occasional work of art on his wall, so you could pitch your work to him, and he’ll put it up!

Price: INR 10 for a cup of tea, INR 15 for kullar chai, and INR 60 for a cold coffee


Ronojoy teaches English literature at DU. When not working, he can be found reading all the books ever written, playing the guitar, singing, painting and eating. He is possibly the only Bengali we've met who's allergic to fish.