Taxi Fabric’s New Auto Art Takes You Into Delhi's Belly

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After Taxi Fabric Delhi’s first launch in Tasavvur in May, the newest rendition of their work is on the streets of the city, and this time, it’s something very close to our hearts: Food! After a 100 works of art in Mumbai, the organisation is now making waves on the roads of Delhi, and we’re loving it.

This second auto called The Delhi Belly by Pragun Agrawal is now roaming on the lanes of Chandni Chowk. The best part about this whole project has been that the auto drivers love it, and they get to have some pretty interesting conversations with the passengers every day. Pragun says, “Many aspects truly represent Delhi, such as the architecture, the diversity of culture, the language, so on and so forth. But for me personally, the food culture, especially the street food culture, really brings out the vibe and spirit of the city.”

Some amazing fod from Chandni Chowk features in this beautiful street-food illustrated auto that will satisfy your stomach as well as heart. Catch a ride if you want this week!

Find out more about this auto here.


A full time enthusiast of the 'gram', Kasturi paints and writes on her eponymous blog. She's looking to establish herself in a stable job despite her impending and current existential quarter life crisis. Not having stayed in one place for too long, she muses about the Arts and has an astronomical appetite for, well, food.