This Designer-Run Store Has Decor Stuff You Won't Find Anywhere Else

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What Makes It Awesome

The founder of the store, Neha, is an interior designer herself and, while working her magic, she realised the dearth of cutesy little elements that albeit small and minimal, can contribute to giving your house a complete 180. Hence, was born the store.

Walk right in and find a heaven of adorable wall and floor decorations, entrance bells, hangings, cutlery, ceramic bowls, wall hooks (can you spot the slipper ones?) and more. I was told that the macrame bags are pretty popular, too. I personally loved the star-shaped twig hangings.

They’ve also got the most utilitarian furniture pieces. There was a dresser that barely took up any space. But it had enough space inside—including hooks to store your necklaces without them getting tangled up.

Neha has also given a young, budding designer her own rack to display some kurta designs. So, make sure to check that out too.

PS. Love the aesthetic and want it in your home? Feel free to call her up for consultation or turn-key projects.

What Could Be Better

While most of her products were within an affordable range, there were a few (like a photo frame for INR 900) that I thought were pricey.

How Much Did It Cost

₹300 onwards

Human fly on the wall | Admirer of all live art I Closet adrenaline junkie I Steering my way towards simple living |