Created Something Unique? This Site Will Get It Copyrighted For You

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Created something unique through your passion for creativity? As your idea’s still shaping up, don’t forget to give it a legal identity to protect its authenticity and value. Trademarkclick’s here to do it for you with a snap, and to help you get your own brand going without a hassle!

Join The Movement

Is there something exceptional you’ve created from scratch and have poured your heart into the making? Trademarkclick can make it officially known by safeguarding its authenticity. Painted a masterpiece, wrote a collection of poems, shot spectacular pictures, created a new musical score on an instrument or designed a logo? Get it copyrighted ASAP before someone else takes credit for your work. If you gave a company its brand identity with that beautiful logo and an epic one-liner (we mean along the lines of Thumbs Up’s Taste The Thunder), or if you created a new fragrance or even discovered a new shade of colour—trademark it! And, just in case your geeky brain found an altogether new invention at the lab (like a new morse code maybe), patent it!

And that’s not all you can protect your brand name, logo, slogan, even the jingle of your brand ( Remember Britania Ting Ting Ti Ding). All you’ve got to do is visit the Trademarkclick website and the awesome team here scans through stacks of database to check whether the mentioned content is protectable or not. They even take care of all the paperwork of multiple forms and complex legal proceedings and get us that Intellectual Property protection (yes, it’s a thing!)

The best part? All this can be done with just one click on their website for a nominal INR 1,500! Awesome, right?

These superheroes get the much-necessary legal approval on your work so that you can doodle your dreams away and scribble your creativity without the worry of someone else replicating it. Just get your content protected, and share away with the rest of the world! The Trademarkclick folks will be there at every step of the way explaining and updating you on the progress and making sure it happens.

So, We’re Saying...

Your quirky quote or sketch or that original musical composition went viral on social media? Brag about it all you want, but hit up Trademarkclick right away to get it rightfully protected by the law before anyone else takes credit of your hard-work.

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