Vegan Goes Mainstream At Harit Hub, Gurgaon

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A compact little restaurant in an upmarket location, Harit Hub serves hot and fresh vegetarian food using only organic produce. It’s one of the few places in the city also catering to the vegans.

Lowdown On The Ambience

The stained glass lampshades, the dim lighting and the couches can be a tad misleading; Harit Hub is not a bar or a pub, it’s far from all that. It’s one the few vegetarian cafes in Gurgaon and probably one of the only organic ones. With just about 20 covers or so, it’s rather cosy, too, and given the specific menu it’s a good idea to stay small.

Must Eat

This place is best for hardcore vegetarians, since the dishes are very home-like and simple. The portion sizes are good, however, so vegetarian or not, you are likely to walk out satiated.

Start with the Paneese Tikka Wrapthe flavours are all in place but they’ve held back on the pungency, which works in the favour of the paneer. You can actually taste the diary-ness of it. The surprising dish among the starters has got to be the Arbi Masala; rich and starchy without being heavy, and even though this vegetable tends to be sticky/gooey, their cooking method made sure it was lightly pan fried and more potato like than expected.

Skip the barley soup and go for the Harit Salad instead; light, crunchy, fresh and very homemade. For the main course there are only parathas to choose from, unless you count their version of pizzas as main course. Skip dessert unless you’re a fan of old school lauki ka halwa; they do a pretty good job at that!

Must Drink

No cocktails here {obviously} but the beverage menu is actually as expansive as the food one. Don’t miss the Harit Nimbu Pani; it’s perfect for this weather, though if you want something more substantial, go for a chikoo or mango shake; it will transport you straight to your childhood. Ask them to make it nice and cold when you order, though.

What We Loved

The organic vibe makes you feel like you’ve done a good job of your meal-planning for the day, though if you’re a carnivore it may take two parathas and a wrap to work it out for you.

What Didn't Impress Us

Given their wholesome, organic and vegan stance, the café could be more vibrant, perhaps better lit, too, and the staff really needs to be better informed of their product.

What Is The Best Time To Visit?

Weekday lunches make sense at a place like this; you will leave full, but not stuffed, and the lightness of the meals are a good idea if it’s a working week for you.

Anything Else?

If you missed ordering juice, go back just for that. Midday juice breaks are a great idea for a café like this; go for the mixed fruit or pomegranate ones. Fresh and totally organic!


Mom and chef who moonlights as a food writer. A reluctant traveler who would rather stay put and read, run, eat and repeat her way through the week!