Wish To Get Your Pet Groomed At Home? Pet Pipers To The Rescue!

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What Makes It Awesome?

Those of you who own an Indian cat might relate that they are damn tough to handle. Mine(TukTuk) is one that also survived a really bad accident a few months ago, which makes it impossible for her to be kept on a table in the vicinity of cotton swabs without her freaking out. And, the moment I pull out the carrier, she fears being taken to the vet and hides. Taking her out to be groomed was out of the question, and then I learnt about Pet Pipers and got in touch.

These guys showed up on a Saturday afternoon with a little toy for TukTuk. Since they hardly have any Indian cat clients, they especially procured a cat bag to handle her. Both groomers were very sweet to her and knew just how to handle a terrified cat(that's seriously one very difficult thing to do). The purpose was to get her rid of ear mites, and how Pet Pipers handled her was phenomenal. TukTuk, of course, did not enjoy being in a bag but is very happy with her squeaky clean, mite-free ears now. If that's how they dealt with my cat, I can totally imagine any other pet would be a breeze for them.

What Could Be Better?

Nothing at all. Loved the experience. They get a free gift for all their furry clients:)

How Much Did It Cost?

Under ₹500

Best To Go With?


I can do with- A tent, a pair of ankle shoes from Decathlon, a rucksack.. wait a minute- a tiny lamp that costs a bomb, a bedsheet you can do without, fairy lights to be burried in and all the cats in the world! Yep, complicated much?