Handcrafted Jewellery As Unique As You

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What Makes It Awesome

I love accessorising. From earrings to rings and more, this has always been my go-to way to jazz up any outfit. So colour me thrilled when I came across Womencode, a homegrown jewellery brand that's designed by Jinal Vikmani. 

The brand is focused on creating unique and interesting designs that stand out from the usual jewellery designs you'd see elsewhere. Love hoops? They've got beautiful boho-style ones with charms, called Sunshine Hoops that I fell in love with. A fan of abstract art? You'll love their Sundari Earrings that have an abstract face on it. And hey, who doesn't love a good Evil Eye bracelet or necklace to ward off some bad juju, right? You'll find that here too. 

From delicate to chunky, bold to simple, their designs are versatile enough that you'll find something here for yourself. So, what are you waiting for? To know more, hit the Enquire Button.