Yourbox India

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Two sizes, one fit. Yourbox India sends you an outfit of your choice, and accessories to go with it, every single month! No more shopping woes or looking for those perfect earrings. They have a mini {half an outfit} and a regular {the full deal}, so you can choose your size and wait for this awesomeness to come to you.

Where: Shop here.

Price: INR 899 for mini and INR 1,499 for regular

Contact:  +91 9999166131

Check out their website here. 


A full time enthusiast of the 'gram', Kasturi paints and writes on her eponymous blog. She's looking to establish herself in a stable job despite her impending and current existential quarter life crisis. Not having stayed in one place for too long, she muses about the Arts and has an astronomical appetite for, well, food.