#BudgetEats: Seamens Nest For Goan Vibes & Fresh Seafood

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If you’re low-key on your pocket but still wish to get the pure Goa vibes, then Seamans is perfect with its supremely finger-licking seafood.

Where is it?

Located at ferry road in the narrow-hidden village of Assolna, Seamans is a shack by the sea giving full-fledged authentic Goa feels with the windy breeze.

What should I eat here?

Sit by the seaside and give your taste buds an exceptional gastronomical journey with the masala crab, crispy ello, leppos, and fresh Bombay duck. For non-seafood lovers, there’s always the salt and pepper tongue, sausage naan and the pork aadmass.

Anything Else?

With quick service, you can always get your food packed so that you can grab and go.


You need to hunt for it as good things are always tucked away!


I'm a big-time foodie.Whenever I travel I make it a point to savour the local food at places frequented by locals themselves.