Step Up Your Gifting Game With Cool Products From This Goan Brand

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What Makes It Awesome

Nonsense Curry By Jolynn Carniero is an independent brand that creates and curates a range of lifestyle products (neckpieces, lamps, pillows, badges and notebooks). Jolynn's forte though, lies in customising each piece in a way that best tells your story and her prices start at INR 80! Sweet, right? 

Jolynn started off making customised lampshades for her father’s decades-old lamp shop (Carneiro Frontier) in Mapusa. As time went by and she found enough takers for her quirky aesthetic, she started to expand her territory, occupying what she now calls ‘a little island’ in the very shop. And what exactly does this island have? Well, all of her creations including neckties, customised pillows, books, lamp stands and more. As for why it’s called Nonsense Curry, she tells us that ‘nonsense’ is her one-word perspective on life and curry is a celebration of her Goan roots.

Now, even though she curates everything from scratch, she works closely with a bunch of potters and weavers. With their help, she brings the gorgeous terracotta lamps and khadi pillow and notebooks to life (she's even designed one for Fat Fish restaurant).

Since Nonsense Curry is all about personalisation, Jolynn takes pride in working closely with her customers. At this moment, for instance, she’s working on a special collection for a client and his undying love for his lost dog. She’s even designed pillows for a little boy who’s obsessed with space and celestial bodies. These special collections, is honestly where her humour, wit and love for doodling really comes together. 

P.S. Everything she delivers comes in eco-friendly packaging that's created using leftover paper and scraps to minimise waste. And this way, the end product wears her individual stamp and looks gorgeous too! 


Ask us what we dig from Jolynn’s part crazy and part elegant product range and we’d have to say the notebooks and lamps (the lamps are priced around 1.8k upwards). All of her stuff is handmade and proudly wears her kooky sense of style. And, if you’re into junk jewellery, do browse through her cowbell aka necklace range that’s quite unusual. 


Quirk Queen. Nutella Gobbler. Storyteller. Pseudo Super Mom. Bibliophile. Closet Writer. Romancing Calcutta since 1989.