Check Out These Super Delicious Salad Bowls!

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What Makes It Awesome

I came across a friend's Instagram story recently and saw this beautifully decorated salad bowl. Now let me tell you, I love Salads, even the veg ones. So obviously I got excited when I saw his story and immediately asked him where did he buy it. He replied "Green Grain Bowl" and told me he would be putting up a review soon on his food blog on Instagram. When I checked out their page, I read that the delivery only to Porvorim and areas close to Porvorim and I've been working from home (Old Goa) due to COVID so I wouldn't get to try this bowl anytime soon.

One day, my manager asked me to do some work which needed me to go to the office and my colleague was there too and she is as enthusiastic as me about trying new dishes. So for lunch, I told her I wanted to order this salad bowl. We ordered Prawn Chilli Pineapple Barley Bowl and Chicken Thai Brown Rice Bowl.

The Prawn Chilli Pineapple Barley Bowl included prawns cooked with a nice spicy marinade, chunky pieces of pineapple, barley, flax seeds, the veggies included: cucumber, cabbage, carrots and radish. They also included a mustard and mint dressing in the bowl.

The Chicken Thai Brown Rice Bowl included: chunks of chicken cooked in a spicy marinade, brown rice, corn, lettuce, red and yellow capsicum, spring onions greens and roasted peanuts.

We both enjoy light meals especially when it's low carb and nutritious. The quantity was good and filled us up completely without us feeling bloated. They served us the salads in a cute cardboard bowl too. They don't have a place of theirs yet so it's just a takeout at the moment.

They have other salads also in their menu like Quinoa and Nuts Bowl (Veg and Vegan), Thai Rice Bowl (Paneer, Tofu and Chicken), they also have the 'Almost Burrito Bowl' which includes chicken/ veg / vegan varieties.

I wish we could try them all but maybe someday we will.

So if you find salads boring or bland, you've got to try the salads here. It's super yum and healthy at the same time.

What Could Be Better?

We found the pricing to be a little on the higher side. We paid ₹ 270 for the Chicken Thai Brown Rice Bowl and ₹ 320 for the Prawns Chilli Pineapple Barley Bowl. The prawns were barely 4-5 pieces.

How Much Did It Cost?

Under ₹500

Best To Go With

Family, Bae