These Apps Are All You Need For Your Every Day Survival In Hyderabad

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Whether you're new to the city or have been here for a while — it's normal for you to rely on certain apps to keep up with your day. Or to keep your day moving. From delivery apps to tracking your metro, get these apps pronto to have an easy peasy (but also fun) life in Hyderabad.

Your Genie When You Forget Stuff

Did you ever wish to have a personal assistant — someone who caters to most of your whims and caprices, and fulfills your Irani chai cravings at 12 am? Your Genie — a hyperlocal delivery service is just what you need. Your Genie delivers like a pro in Hyderabad and Secunderabad. Need someone to pick you stationery, pet food, or garam samosa? This service is pretty much your fix! The pricing is not too high with the first 10km costing INR 10 per km, and the next 15km costing INR 15 per km.

Rapido For Bike Taxi

Promising you gusts of fresh wind, safety along with shower caps and helmets, Rapido is probably India's first bike taxi service that is purely dedicated to providing bike taxis only. For shorter distances especially, Rapido works wonders and is often cheaper than auto as it costs INR 5 per km. The best part about this service is you can mark your most-visited destination or regular routes to book a ride seamlessly, and if a bike captain (Yup, that's what they call their bike drivers), you can find a ride less than your usual waiting time.

TSavaari For Hyderabad Metro Rail

Are you someone who travels quite a lot on Hyderabad Metro Rail? You surely need TSavaari app on your phone. While the most basic thing you can do is book your tickets, top-up your Metro card and all that, you can check where washrooms are located, book shuttles, etc. You can also check the last mile connectivity, fetch information on the timings, and explore the neighbourhood areas. Sounds like a handy app, no?

Hyderabad Traffic Live For Traffic Updates

Gone are the days when we could brag about how our traffic wasn't painful. Come peak hours, we're making traffic our second home but if you want to beat that traffic, Hyderabad Traffic Live gives out live updates on our traffic scene. Which routes to avoid, which ones to take. Moreover, you get quick tips on road safety, rules and regulations, and emergency contact information.

Hyderabad Diaries For Entertainment

Hyderabad Diaries is an awesome YouTube channel that also has a mobile app. These folks do entertaining videos and vlogs on everyday situations in Hyderabadi Hindi. It's great fun! Since they release new content more than two-three times a week, you're sure to go back to this app for laughs.

Shuttl For Everyday Commute

Hustling through the erratic traffic and often shelling out all the hard cash on the everyday commute is never cool. Solving these hitches is Metro, but since it's not open in all areas, we recommend Shuttl — a shuttle service where you can book the monthly pass for AC shuttle at INR 3,000-3,500 and the non-AC one at INR 2,000-2,500.

LBB For Everything Else

Of course, you've got to have the LBB app to discover awesome in Hyderabad. From new places to check out in the city to where to travel in Hyderabad, we've got you covered. As we host events every week, you can sign up for them on our app, meet new peeps and pick a new skill. 


Former Editor, LBB, Hyderabad.