Loo Cafe Has Now Opened Up Near Hussain Sagar & It's The Best Thing To Happen

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What Makes It Awesome?

Well, you gotta pee when you gotta pee, right? So, check out Loo Cafe which is an awesome combination of a public toilet combined with a concept cafe, serving as the better (other) half. Release and relief! Firstly, it's super neat. It has the most modern toilet fittings. And second, the door has a code lock with a 'friendly attendee' to tell you when your turn arrives!

The best part? you don't have to pay - nothing. It's free!

The cafe serves instant beverages such as tea, coffee and has got some light snacks on the side as well. Along with an outlet in Hussain Sagar, Loo Sagar is located inside Kondapur Dog Park and in Hitech City too.