Amidst The Heatwave, This 45-Year-Old Auto Driver Has Modified His Ride With A Water Purifier

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Whenever there is a human need, there is an opportunity for kindness and to make a difference. And, thankfully, for Hyderabadis who are on the road during this heatwave, a 45-year-old auto driver Shaik Saleem is relieving their thirst with chilled purified water. 

How? Taking the jugaad route, he's roaming around the city with a water cooler attached to his auto and two 20 litre cans. He's been ferrying people around in his auto for 20 years now and distributing water during summers since 2017. We're surprised! And what's the best part? His generosity doesn't come with a price. As a resident, he understands that the weather can get crazy during peak summer months, and all he wants to do is a good, selfless deed. 

According to the weather reports, the heatwave is going to get worse and temperatures in Telangana will touch the 40 degrees Celcius mark. At such times, we wish more people like him turn up as real-life heroes, for the need of the hour. 

This story was first reported on The Better India. Read the full story here


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