This Home Decor Studio Is Sure To Make Your Home Pinterest Worthy

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What Makes It Awesome

Do you dream of embellishing your home with statement pieces that are chic and Parisian yet very Indian? Inheritance Studio might just be your superhero with a heritage armour. Inheritance is a three-storeyed home studio in Yapral that houses classic pieces of furniture, paintings, and decor accessories.

When you walk into the studio, the soft lights and bespoke home decor items that are plucked right out of a Ruskin Bond's book will leave an impression on you. We caught up with the designers of Inheritance and took a tour of the studio. Each floor has a diverse section of items and for the convenience of the customers, they are decked in living-room and bedroom format for you to visualise your space. But if you're looking for more, they are also experienced in interior design and can transform your home to your taste. 

The studio sources and deploys Indian fabric (except leather, which is sourced from Italy); the skilled artisans come from Telangana, Andhra Pradesh, Rajasthan, and UP, and we've got to admit, you'll notice the diversity in the pieces too. We're currently crushing on their Porter Chair (Made from durable teak) that resembles the chairs once used in medieval France and England, and the agate coasters that are sure to ginger up your coffee table. Whether you're looking for sprucing up your office room, living room, or your gal's bedroom (we're talking about the voguish pink corner), you've got to check out this studio. 


Inheritance takes up interior designing and crafting unique pieces to match your taste and home. But it will take a good deal of time so we recommend patience. 


Former Editor, LBB, Hyderabad.