This Popular Park Near Tank Bund Is Now An Exclusive Children's Park

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In an initiative to make an exclusive park for children, our government has decided to make Sanjeeviah Park a children's park. Wuhoo! 90 acres of lush greenery, this park in the heart of the city consists of other smaller parks like a herbal park, a butterfly park, a rose garden, and of course home to one of the largest national flags in India. So, who can check out the park?

Children under the ages of 14 along with their parents or guardians. While some say this step has been taken to discourage youngsters from visiting the park, officials say this is a good way to promote natural science and inculcate a sense of responsibility towards our environment. Though we applaud the decision of making a kid-safe park, we don't want to take sides. What is your opinion on this? Do let us know.
