Beer Is Bae: These Breweries In Town Are Nothing Short Of Paradise For True Beer Lovers

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There's nothing that can beat the taste of beer that's been freshly brewed at a microbrewery. While cities Bengaluru and Mumbai have opened several microbreweries, Kolkata is still catching up to the scene. Don't worry. You won't have to look around much for places because we've made you a list of the best breweries in Kolkata to grab a pint. 

Motor Works & Brewing Company

This place serves six different types of craft beer or 'Motor Fuels' as well as their signature beertails that you have to try. From stout and lager to German and Belgian wheat, you will get it all. They'll give you samplers so you can choose which beer you want. They also have a Beer Up Table that lets you fill your own glass! Book one of these tables (at least 10 people) and enjoy unlimited beer for two hours. You also have to try the Turbo Shandy and Irish Car Bomb beertails.

Beer Republic

One of the most popular microbreweries in town, Beer Republic serves four different types of brewed beer -  Amber, Blondee, Brunette and Republic. They also serve five kinds of beer cocktails that you must try - Beer Republic Bomb, Amber Sex on the Beach, Blondee Shandy, Republic Sangria and Beer Garita. It's one of the first and older microbreweries in town and definitely worth visiting.

The Grid

The Grid does handcrafted beer in different flavours. Their special in-house brews like Piedmont, Caldera, Hogback, Tundra, Towhead, Eskar and Tombolo make it one of the best microbreweries in the city. You also have to give their craft beers a try. They also happen to boast one of the longest bars in Kolkata!

Country Roads

Located in Rajarhat, Country Roads is one brewery you just cannot miss out on if you are a true beer fan. They've got German Weizen, Belgian Blonde, Crafted Premium and Scottish Ale. Ask for a sampler if you're confused which one to order for. Taste all the four samples and then decide (they're all equally good!). 

Raize The Bar

Salt Lake has slowly become the hub of the most happening pubs, bars and breweries in the city and Raize The Bar is one of them, serving different kinds of fresh brews - there's the English stout beer, American Beach Hat (Premium Lager), Apple Cider, German Fog (German Wheat), Belgian Moon, Red Soul (Rose Wheat Ale) and Mango Ale. They also serve five kinds of beertails - Cinnamon Stout and Brewskytini are our favourites! You can also go for the Crafty Sangria for wine-y and fruity flavour.


Their awesome in-house brewery serves several options - Belgian Strong Ale, Pale Ale, Apple Cider, Golden Ale and Hefeweizen. There's also Mango Ale during the season. They've got a lot of beer cocktails as well - we'd recommend the Scrapyard Ocean and the Beer Boiler. They have a stock exchange price mechanism so the rates differ according to the demand and supply. 


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