Decor Hacks: Owners Of Charming Thakali Restaurant Tell You How To Redo Your Space

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We loved new eatery Thakali’s food as well as their awesome space which is strewn with nifty decor accessories and high on Nepali and Tibetan influences. So we sought out owners Sachiko and Ambika for some upcycled decor tips to deck our pads.

Turn Those Jhuris Into Lamps

One of the things you’ll notice at once while at Thakali are the cane lamps. A simple but quirky hack, Sachiko and Ambika collected fruit baskets from the local fruit vendors and made holes on the base to attach lamp holders. Hung with simple electric cord, these lamps make for a zany hack to do up your casa.

Paint Cans For Prayer Wheels

Standing right outside Thakali is a row of prayer wheels that add to the charm of this place. They upcycled paint cans to make them – lined them with paper, spray painted and finally stenciled in the motifs. Simple, right? You could use this trick to make pretty planters lampshades and many more things. For stenciling and painting, Sachiko recommends painter Manash (9733369507).

Cane Woven Plates

One of the dishes was served in a woven cane plate. It’s eco-friendly, durable and has a quirky touch to it. Ambika got them made from the local chawl-walas who weave cane to make the chawls or huts. Sachiko recomends getting in touch with Prashanto (6290295819) if you want to get these done.

Canvas Prints

Thakali had photos of Buddha and the Dalai Lama. But instead of the regular paper printing, Sachiko suggests getting them done on canvas. There are several canvas printers in the city, Sachiko gave us her printer Shambhu’s number –  9836401166.


A goodie foodie, I am footloose. Books and cats keep me rapt. 🐺👣