Jadavpur University School of Linguistics and Languages

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Jadavpur University’s SLL Department offers certificate courses to external applicants. They focus on languages like French, German, Spanish, Japanese, Chinese and Portuguese. They have some really well known  academics teaching languages such as Abhijit Mukherjee who has translated Murakami into Bangla {the first translation of Murakami in any Indian language!} in the Japanese Department and Rita Roy, a very well-known Portuguese scholar and translator. While the office at JU is a bit difficult to coordinate with, we would suggest you make your way down to the university soon to secure yourself a seat for their upcoming language courses.


Queer activist, illustrator, food enthusiast and organizer of a local pop-up cafe, Amra Odhbhut. Feel incredibly passionately about feminist gaming, art and the politics around which we build movements and activist spaces.