These Queer-Affirmative Communities In Kolkata Will Have Your Back Amidst All Odds

The information in this post might be outdated

Everyone has the right to live with their heads high, irrespective of gender, caste or colour. It's high time to wave that rainbow flag not only in the month of June but throughout the year. We did our research and came across the following clubs and organisations that work for the overall upliftment of LGBTQ communities in Kolkata.

Rainbow Club Kolkata

This club was started by one of its members with the motto to bring people of every alternate sexuality on a single platform. Anyone belonging to the LGBTQ community who wishes to connect and socialise with fellow mates can join the group. All you need is a valid ID so that you are easily identifiable during the meetups. 

Pink Party Kolkata

A need to find a regular place to socialise during weekends for the LGBT community in Kolkata led to the formation of Pink Party. The group discusses a lot of issues like Pink movies, topical events and so on. There's also Pink Coffee, an organised meetup for its members held at Mocha every Wednesday. 

Sappho For Equality

Established in October 2003, Sappho for Equality is the only registered organisation in Eastern India working towards the promotion of sexually marginalized women and transmen. They focus on providing a safe environment for the LGBTQ members. They also organise peer counselling, self-empowerment workshops, meetings, study circles and group discussions.


Saathii, a support center associated with voluntary agencies, focuses on human rights, sexual health and other related issues concerning the queer community. Saathii also organises various training programs for voluntary agencies on various aspects such as counselling, documentation and organisational development.

Plus Kolkata

People Like Us (PLUS) Kolkata is an NGO founded by late Agniva Lahiri to uplift the social and economical upbringing of the LGBTQ community. Apart from several philanthropic activities, the organisation is known for running a shelter home, Prothoma, for the community in Kolkata, Bihar and Uttar Pradesh.


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