Love Those Quirky Plates & Glasses All The Cafes Are Using? Get Them At These Shops

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Looking for gift ideas for a friend who's a keen cook? Or are you a kitchen-proud person who loves to rustle up dishes and drinks? New Market has a host of shops (some going back to pre-Independence days) that stock some of the best kitchenware and crockery that you can spot at your fave cafes. Take a day to browse around and set up a cafe look at home.

Two For Tea

Merry King (store number B-9) and a few other stores in the crockery section of New Market sell these gorgeous tea pots, infuser cups and tea sets with Oriental designs. The tea infuser cups (INR 80 to 120) come with a lid and a separate little bowl with tiny holes which fits into the cup. You add the tea leaves in this and close the lid for a few minutes. And voila, your tea is ready.

The small teapots (INR 300 to 500) are perfect for two people, and they come with an attached strainer. You can also infuse herbal tea in these. They also stock ornate tea sets with cups and plates and a teapot (INR 1,500).

For Coffee, Wine & Ice Creams

The stores here stock an amazing variety of glasses which you can use for plain water and juices to fruit cocktails, and wine. You could also get a bit more imaginative and use these for coffee with a dollop of ice cream on top!

At Staffordshire, a cut glass wine set comes for as little as INR 550. Perfect wedding or anniversary gifts! Some of the sets are from France, Italy and Turkey and cost quite a bit more. Merry King is selling a set (six pieces) of Bohemian crystal glasses for INR 3,000. At Goodwill you will get a set of six glasses from Italy or Spain for INR 1,800.

Perfect For Bakers

Love baking? Pick up this cute cake stand from Staffordshire Stores for INR 850 — perfect for displaying all those tarts, pastries and cupcakes for a high tea get-together at home!

Breezy Bottles

The coloured bottles (INR 300) with etched designs denoting Paris and Istanbul skylines are perfect for flavoured fruit water that you can make at home. We found these at Raj Shuk (store number B-32).

How many times have you ordered a coffee, juice or a milkshake at your fave cafe and it was served in these cool mason jars and bulb glasses? Most stores at New Market's crockery section stock these — with and without the straw and the hole. We prefer the latter as you don’t have to keep buying plastic straws (because plastic’s nasty for the environment and your health). They come for INR 70 to 80, depending on the design. 

Beverage Dispensers & Sets

This elegant beverage dispenser in pristine white is perfect for dispensing coffee or tea. Along with this, you can pick up a set of cups and a very art deco kind of tea pot to serve coffee from. Find these at Staffordshire.

Salt & Pepper Shakers

We stumbled across these cool salt and pepper shaker duos at several shops. The red and cream one with the card motif is for INR 100 only. And the rest are from INR 150 to 350.


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