Summer Is Here, And You've Got To Try This Mango Freak-Shake!

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What Makes It Awesome?

Stomach to Heart - All Day Eatery is the best thing for summer! There is a major ingredient in numerous dishes like juices, shakes, desserts also some appetizers and main course items. The eatery in Ghatkopar has to something freaky to offer.
They're in house curated Mango Freakshake. This mighty glass has a thick Mango shake decorated with whipped cream on the top,
Mango juice in the injection to inject the freshness and sweetness of mango all throughout with some mango chunks and a pretty looking fancy cut half mango as the main adornment.
Doesn’t it look like dreamy?
Visit the eatery to explore their delicious hand curated dishes, shakes, smoothies, and desserts.

How Much Did It Cost?

Under ₹5,00

Best To Go With?

Big Group, Bae, Family, Kids