Sea You Later: Stay In The Beautiful Andamans By Volunteering With This NGO

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Looking to travel, but with a cause? Look no further, ReefWatch Marine Conservation is offering a volunteering programme to people for two-three weeks in the pristine islands. All you need to do is, carry your sunblock, and a passion to protect sensitive marine life.

What Makes It Awesome

ReefWatch is an NGO that engages with creating awareness about marine life conservation, and coral reefs. As a volunteer, you will be stationed on Chidiyatapu, which is an island in South Andamans. You will get to assist ReefWatch in helping organize classes for local children, cleaning the island, pitching in with data management or any other project where you feel your skills may be useful.

It’s a brilliant opportunity for college kids and people who’re looking to take a break from their hectic work life. Everyone is welcome because you don’t necessarily need to have a background in marine conservation. Just a useful skill that'll help the organization function better!

If you choose to stay longer than 20 days, they've got budget accommodation which will cost you INR 1200 per day, and if you stay for a shorter time, it'll cost you INR 1800 per day.

The food and accommodation though will not be free, will be especially subsided for the volunteers.


They have field volunteering opportunities and that is usually from November to April. To volunteer, you can email email or with your cover letter, and why you’re looking to volunteer with them.


Associate Content Producer, @ LBB Mumbai 😎 Freelance Photographer 📷 Professional Flâneur 🌿