Before & After: How Fatty Food & Weight Training Helped This Guy Lose 37 Kilos

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His Story

Avinash is a former engineer and although he started as a relatively healthy kid {he was the city’s youngest brown belt}. However, once he quit karate, fat took over, which he primarily blames on Milky Bars and the free tazos that came with Lays chips.

Describing himself as Jabba The Hutt, he recollects his school memories where he once over heard a few girls making fun of his fat, and this, he believes is what subconsciously triggered his desire to get fit. He DID get after school, losing 22 kg in three months with a strict diet, but regrets doing it without a well-planned regime. After a lot of back and forth, backed with research, he achieved a chiseled body with sheer determination.

His Fitness Plan

Not a big fan of cardio, Avinash emphasises on weight-training instead. He believes while cardio is important,it only burns calories at the time of doing it. Weight training on the other hand, works your muscles and the muscles burn calories through out the day.

He recommends where he subscribed to their 2-3 month workout  plans, based on one’s goals. The sessions are free and the result, priceless. He also did crossfit at Crossfit Box, Fort. And also, Cricket Club of India and Qi Gym are his haunts throughout the week.

His Diet

He has a stipulated diet that he promotes on his Instagram page under the hashtag #PayFitForward. You can check it out here

Eating Out

His idea of eating out was to fill up on protein and good fat. The spare ribs and lamb chops at Boston Butt, beef chilli at Leopolds’s , club salad at Suzette with extra bacon paired with the peanut butter banana smoothie are some of his favourites. Sushi is his weakness, and he says, if you’re eating that, just give in. He ate at Shiro and is waiting to try out Pa Pa Ya.

Cheat Eats

The animal burger at One Street Over is his go-to cheat on a workout day. He confesses to having a chocolate problem. He goes all out on chocolates with a bar of Milka, Lindt or Toblerone. Also, cheating on a rest day is blasphemy, according to him.

Tell Me More

You can check out his Instagram account to follow tips on being fit without giving up alcohol and hangover workouts. Go here.


Former Editor, LBB, Mumbai