This Site Will Let You Plant A Tree With A Click (And Even Name It After Yourself)

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Shortcut should be the next website you click if you want to do your bit for the environment.

What Makes It Awesome

An initiative to restore the ozone layer and to control climate change while changing livelihoods – you can do it all with the click of a button with Sankalptaru. They’re not telling you to go out with a shovel – you can plant trees where they are really needed, by just donating INR 149.

The tree will be named after you, but more than that, we think it’s great that it’ll make a difference to the environment. You can donate to four different sectors the organisation works for. It could either be a rural livelihood program, a school program, community land or city plantations.

How Does It Work?

You can log in to the website with your social media accounts (or just sign up on their website if you like to stay away from social media), choose a tree and plant it by paying its cost. The organisation will plant it wherever the project that you’ve chosen is. You can keep a track of its progress online and also its location on GPS. May be visit it someday and say hello?


A great initiative for those who would like to make a difference but can’t due to time constraint. We’d totally gift this to ourselves or a friend on their birthday.


Former Editor, LBB, Mumbai