All Hail Mary Jane: BLabel by BOHECO Is Selling Natural Clothing Made Out Of Hemp

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What Makes It Awesome

Our first association to the word hemp is almost always marijuana, but Bombay Hemp Company (BOHECO), a collective by 7 Indian entrepreneurs is here to change our perception. BOHECO is India's first hemp startup, who is reimagining the future of Indian agriculture and sustainable living with hemp as their lens.

Their designs combine the potential of hemp, one of the most popular industries in the West with the existing industries of agriculture, fashion and technology to bring together the community. Definitely sounds like a dream, doesn't it?

The good guys at The Bombay Hemp Company are finding ways to convert the hemp into items of food, clothing and shelter. Sustainable fashion is the only way forward for a greener future, and BOHECO is utilizing that fact to their full potential. BOHECO currently occupies a unique space in India’s handloom industry where farmers collect hemp fibre and the women convert them into hand-spun fabrics.

Their sustainable clothing line known as B Label has a range of day and evening wear made from organically grown and naturally dyed hemp fabric for both, men and women. B Label also includes B Label Handlooms, a subsidiary which supports women weavers from Uttarakhand who weave handmade stoles that are created using 100% hemp, organic cotton and lamb wool.

Hemp is better than other fabrics in many ways- it is stronger than any natural fabric and is hypo-allergenic, moisture-absorbent, fire retardant and a good insulator while being one of the few fabrics that breathe. 

Their range of products start at INR 890 and upwards. You can shop BLabel online via their website.


It’s high time we rethink our fashion choices and opt for sustainable clothing. The good lads at BOHECO have highlighted this importance with their clothing brand BLable by BoHECO and are doing what they can to spread awareness. We’ll be glad to contribute in some little way.


Editor I LBB, Mumbai 🌈 Join my LBB Whatsapp Group here 🤘-