Have You Been To The Biggest Exhibition Centre In Mumbai?

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The Bombay Convention & Exhibition Centre in Goregaon is a popular destination and is the largest exhibition venue in Mumbai. Read to know more. 

What Makes It Awesome

Established in 1991, Bombay Exhibition Centre has hosted some of the biggest global trade shows in the country. The centre comprises of four halls and is centrally air-conditioned, with great Wi-Fi facilities and an international lounge.

For most of us, this place is synonymous as the venue for Mumbai Comic Con, one of the city's most beloved events. 

Apart from this, there are a number of restaurants in the vicinity that have some great food, so if you're in the area, you can also head out on a culinary journey. 


They keep having events all year round, with the first annual Bombay Make-up Palooza coming up just next month. Head out here for some memorable moments and inspiring events.


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