Get Breakfast, Beer, Finger Food And More At Honky Tonk In Malad

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Get your breakfast fix in the morning and also grab a beer or sip on wine after a long day at work at Malad’s Honky Tonk {our new-found love}.

Chow Down

Honky Tonk is a one-stop-shop hangout for a lazy holiday breakfast or a quick beer before you head home in the evening. Its a hole in the wall joint on your way to Orlem, but you are in for a cheer with the peppy interiors. Their menu is largely vegetarian. It is your love for eggs and finger food with your drinks that makes this place worth every penny.

So, We're Saying...

Don’t worry if your cook didn’t turn up on a lazy Sunday morning for your breakfast fix. Its self-service, easy on your pocket and you got every reason to head out at this new find.


Vimala believes in the existence of the magic carpet. Loves deep conversations and confirms that love at first sight can only happen with food!