Bulb Glasses, Goblets And Plates: It's Time You Raid Crawford Market For Great Crockery

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The kitchen is one of the most vital areas in our home. Most of our weekends, we either spend time whipping up meals, or loitering around the kitchen for food. We feel it's important to deck up this special room with crockery that's both colorful and quirky. Move over that basic kitchen, and revamp yours with kitchenware (read: awesomeness) that Crawford Market's Shaikh Memon Street has to offer. 

Flora Collection

If you're a first timer at Crawford market, and are looking to buy good goblet glasses, bright melamine dinner sets, bulb glasses and much more, you will be directed to Flora Collection by everyone. It is one of the most popular crockery stores in the whole lane and rightly so, because they're affordable (a set of four medium-sized wine glasses will cost you just INR 400) And if you want to stock up on bulb glasses (for INR 100 a piece) or dinner sets (a set of four plates and bowls for INR 1,200), Flora is simply the best. Take our word. 

Abdulla Kassam

This one's located between Shaikh Memon Street and Lohar Chawl. And if you want to stock up your fridge with classy, colorful and unique bottles (for INR 150 each), trust them with it. They also have really unique soap dispensers (for INR 250), that you can keep near your sink, and fill them up with dish-washing liquids. They're decked up with dry leaves and stones, and can instantly turn your usual sink to a pretty one. 


All the shops in Crawford sell Bone China products when it comes to crockery, and you must really have an eye to pick the best ones from the lot. Also, bargaining is a must. Hone your skills, or take someone along who knows the drill. 


A hippie-go-lucky woman, steering against the turbulence of twenties, one day at a time.