Used Glass Bottles, Metal Caps & More: These Dharavi Kids Transform Junk Into Musical Instruments

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A joint educational project between blueFROG and Acorn Foundation, an NGO working for the welfare of slum children and waste collectors, Dharavi Rocks is as awesome as it gets.

What Is It?

A bunch of talented, cool kids making music – Dharavi Rocks is a collective of slum kids jamming to a better life. What do they do, you ask? The drums that are used to store water, cans, sticks, glass bottles, metal caps, and what not – the children transform this junk into musical instruments.

They regularly practice in a room at Dharavi, preparing for gigs up ahead. They’ve performed at The Mumbai Assembly, The BlueFROG, STOMP the festival and more. The junk percussionists stand out wherever they go and have collaborated with musicians world over to create music.

So, We're Saying...

The initiative marks the start of something wonderful for the kids at Dharavi and to be honest, they are better than some of the popular bands we’ve heard. They have gigs regularly and if you want to keep uodated, follow them on Facebook here.

Former Editor, LBB, Mumbai