Detox Away: These Fresh Juices Are Perfect To Get Yourself Back On Track

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What Makes It Awesome

We keep going back to our daily fruit juices preserved in huge cartons every time we aim to get a bit healthier but usually, it makes no difference. Arka is a fusion fruit and vegetable juice brand which solves the problem. They create fresh juices with absolutely no added sugar or preservatives, no additives and no synthetic colours. All you get is freshly pressed ingredients with maximum nutrients good for your immunity and health.

They strive to provide the best of natural ingredients like ginger, spinach, kale, pomegranate, cucumber, lemon, amla, tomato, beet and many more, packed into a super drink for you to consume fresh out of the basket. 

They have different drinks made suitable for different needs: if you’re focusing on cardio, try out Soma with 11 vegetables used; if you’re trying for weight loss, Kashaya is great and if you’re improving your daily energy, then Harsha is meant for you. They also work for digestive health, better immunity, vision and overall well-being. 

Price: INR 60 – INR 80 per bottle.


We recommend you ditch your fruit juices and try these out once. It takes time to get used to the taste, but it works wonders on your health.


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