Say It With A Bouquet: These Edible Bouquets Make For Healthy And Pretty Gifts

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What Makes It Awesome

Who doesn't love getting a bouquet, right? But the thing with a flower bouquet is that while they look beautiful, the flowers eventually die and have to be thrown away. That's the plus point of edible bouquets, especially fruit baskets and their specialty, handheld fruit bouquets. They look beautiful and they are healthy too. 

Founder, Niti started Fruity Beginnings as she had always loved fresh fruits and considered them her first love. As a mom, she always encouraged a 'fruits first' philosophy as she wanted to promote a healthier lifestyle. She hopes to make fruits more attractive and inviting through her baskets, too. All her bouquets are made with fresh and dry fruits, plus a few seasonal indulgent options like chocolate covered strawberries too. 

All her bouquets are a play on colour, shapes and textures to create unique gifting options for a variety of occasions. What a great way to gift someone special something unique, yummy and healthy, too! You can choose from a variety of options here like the Orange Bouquet, Roses & Mango, Nutty Nutella and more.


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