Feeling Hungry? Order These Lip-Smacking Snacks Online

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The Nibble Box

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What Makes It Awesome

We’re professional snackers, we are. When the clock strikes the ungodly hour of four, our noses sniff out and hunt out any morsel of food in the office. Put a halt to this desperation, we say. Get some snacks from The Nibble Box – saviours to the calls of hunger. All the yummiest Starbucks-esque flavours – masala chai latte and pumpkin spice combine to form delicious granola bars by The Nibble Box. And that's just the beginning of us convincing you to go check 'em out, because honestly there's so much more that we love The Nibble Box for. 

They make nibbles of all kind: breakfast granola jars, granola bars, lots of combos of trail mixes, and individual ingredients such as black currants, apricots, and more. Our pick from the list is their selection of granola bars which are reasonably priced at INR 80 each and come in an interesting variety of flavours– pumpkin spice latte, masala chai latte, java chip latte It’s like a coffee in a bar. You could also explore their superfood porridge, pancakes and waffles, beverages, gudnut (jaggery coated nuts), bars and cookies. They've also got some chia pudding brekkie mixes in rose, lemon curd, dark chocolate, coffee, and strawberry flavours, and if you're a muesli fan, you could go for their coconut and date muesli mix. 

Add these lovely and healthy alternatives to your cart and whip them out whenever you need to calm the rumbles. And we're sure your tummy and gut will be singing happy tunes. 


We also love the coconut butter popcorn kit they've introduced. What about you? 


I prefer my puns intended and my popcorn buttered. Follow me on www.instagram.com/blobofthoughts