Chew On This: Late-Night Pizza Is Now A Reality In Lower Parel And Matunga

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Our priorities in simple this week are simple: 1. watch Gilmore Girls 2. wait for some sign of ‘winter’ to arrive and 3. order in pizza late at night from One Tablespoon. Yes number three is a possibility – here is the {pizza} base of it all.

Slice Of Niiice

One Tablespoon has started a delivery service which nudges the 11.30pm boundary, making humans and hoggers residing in South Central Mumbai very, very happy. Now on all the days of the week, they will deliver their pizzas {by the slice or a full fat one} in Lower Parel till 1.30am and in Matunga till 3am {say whaa?}.

We truly recommend you order in their feta cheese and arugula pizza, or perhaps a slice of the pepperoni.

So, We're Saying...

A bite into these thin-crusted, well-cheesed pizza slices by One Tablespoon will break or make your night. The choice is yours.


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